About Us

Welcome to the official website of the National Association for Plant Breeding! We are the culmination of a grass roots effort by plant breeders from around the USA to engender support for the work of plant breeders and to raise public awareness for the important work of plant breeders.  We are led by an all-volunteer team nominated and elected by the membership. 

The NAPB has a diverse membership of public and private sector scientists working to improve a wide variety of plants and graduate students working towards advanced degrees in plant breeding.  We meet annually during the summer months enabling field tours to walk among the plants that our hosts are working to improve.  Our meetings highlight the latest research from invited speakers and award winners from both graduate students and practicing scientists.  We host poster sessions for our graduate student members who often make up 30-50% of meeting attendees. 

The National Association for Plant Breeding was formed as an organization to advance excellence in research, education and outreach in the field of plant improvement.  Core values guide our commitment to excellence and include fostering diversity in our membership and treating all people with dignity and respect.  The NAPB is a non-discriminatory organization relative to ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, religion, or national origin.



Your donation to the General Fund enables:

  • Communication to the public on the importance of plant breeding for improving environmental and economic sustainability, nutrition, productivity, and food security;
  • Advocating for the work of plant breeders;
  • Outreach to potential public and private partners, both domestically and globally
  • Support for students and young professionals in plant breeding.

Your donation to the Borlaug Scholar Fund enables:

  • A competitive travel grant and scholarship program
  • Recruitment, development, and professional opportunities for our future plant breeders
  • Opportunities for established professionals to mentor young scientists and give back to the profession